Start your Co-Curricular Transcript:

You will now be re-directed to Acadia Central where you can log in and enter your information into the Co-Curricular Transcript Database.

Click here to start your CCT



This checklist was created to assist you in the process of preparing your documents before entering the database (below). 
Click here to download the checklist.

Sample Entry:

This is an exact replicate of what you will be looking at once you enter the database.  You may want to use this to enter your information so that you can practice - when you have your inforamtion as you would like to see it you can then copy and paste it into the databse.  This would allow you to keep a copy of the information you submitted as a backup.  

We encourage you to send your first entry to the Co-Curricular Transcript Coordinator to ensure you are entering your information correctly.  If you are not familiar with writing learning statements you can visit the sample learning statement page on this website, attend a workshop or contact the coordinator

Click here for the sample entry