The Co-Curricular Transcript

The Co-Curricular Transcript is an official Acadia University document which details your activities outside the classroom.  

Why would you want to create a Co-Curricular Transcript? Here are just a few reasons:

  • to discover great ways to get involved in life at Acadia - ones that match your personal interests and desire to develop and grow as a person
  • it will provide tangible evidence of your learning - outside the classroom - to show employers, grad schools, scholarship committees
  • It helps you connect your personal growth to a career direction

There are four basic areas you will track:

  • Participation - in any activity, group, athletic team, community service or volunteer experience that involves a minimum of 20 hours of participation.
  • Leadership - in an organization or program that requires a commitment of 20 hours or more in such areas as clubs, sports, student government and more.
  • Professional and Educational development - including extra-curricular learning experiences such as workshops, conferences, certifications, part time work, internships and summer employment.
  • Honours, Awards and Recognition - along the way you may earn recognition for your good work such as scholarships and bursaries, and athletic and other awards.

The activities you enter into the database have to be activities you participated in within your years at Acadia (activities cannot be validated from high school).  For each of these activities, you will develop learning statements based on your personal reflection regarding what you learned about yourself and the work you did.  These learning statements are to be presented in paragraph form and should not list your duties or skills - look beyond those things and write about what you learned as a person through each activity.

The Co-Curricular Transcript Coordinator will be in touch with all the people you list as contacts for your activities - to verify your involvement. They will also help you focus your learning statements if they are not strongly worded.

Now that you know the scoop, let's get started! 

Click the "Log In' link on the left margin